Announcing the results of the Future of Data Challenge: Meet the Winners!

Evaluation Panel Members

Evaluation Panel judges will score and provide feedback on the applications assigned to them using the scoring rubric, and each valid application will receive five sets of reviews with scores that have been statistically normalized to ensure a level playing field. Applicants are encouraged to use this valuable feedback to strengthen and refine their solutions as they implement projects and secure other funding sources.  

Meet the judges featured here, and more Evaluation Panel members will be added in the next few months.

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Selection Committee Members

The Selection Committee will review the top-scoring submissions and select up to ten winners based on considerations that may include, but are not limited to, Evaluation Panel resulting rank order, organizational capacity, geographic diversity, and feasibility. The Selection Committee will make the final recommendation to Omidyar Network for the winners who will each receive $100,000 awards, as well as up to five additional promising solutions that will each receive $20,000 awards.

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